Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial day poem

Memorial Day Poem

Its that time of year again when we stop and pause,

pause to remember those that died for our freedom

We remember the soldiers that gave all

and we remember their commanders that lead them

These are the heros that teach our young men and women

to sacrifice their lives and their unwillingness to kill

We thank those that hate those that hate freedom

and we thank the chaplins that assure them they're doing God's will

And as we take time to remember our soldiers, and their sargents, and their chaplins

let us also pause and give thanks for all the others that gave all and never chose the way of military action

We honor all the kids whose moms and dads

will never return home

We honor the almost One million Iraqi civilians that have been

killed at the time of writing this poem

We thank the people and especially the children of China

for making our gizmos and do-dads and toys

And we thank the poor African and South American farmers

that grow our coffee and coccoa and cotton instead of food for themselves and their little girls and boys

We should also stop and thank the World band and the IMF

for keeping these poor countries in debt

Otherwise we'd have to make all of our own stuff

instead of doing more important things like making lots of money and buying all of our stuff off the internet

We must also stop and give thanks

to the technological innovators that have solved all our problems and worries

As they scurry in a hurry to solve all the problems

caused by their solution that have turned our society into a fury

And finally let us honor our great corporations and government

on this final weekend of May

As we throw some burgers on the grill, salute the flag and

say God Bless the good 'ol U.S. of A!